Sunday 29 September 2024

Tonye Harry Sworn In As INC Lagos Chapter Chairman

By Perekeme Odon

The Lagos State Chapter of the Ijaw National Congress (INC), the foremost apolitical umbrella body of the Ijaw ethnic nationality, has decisively inaugurated a new executive committee to effectively manage its affairs for the next three years.

Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard

Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard, Deputy President of the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) and former treasurer of the INC Lagos Chapter, has been elected as the Chairman of the Congress, succeeding Pastor Ebitimi Dio-Posibi. The certificate of return was bestowed upon all the victors at the Red Brick, NCAC National Theatre, Ignamu, Lagos State, on September 28, 2024, in Lagos, the pivotal economic centre of Nigeria.

After the elections on Saturday, September 21st, 2024, the newly inaugurated Chairman of Ijaw National Congress INC, Lagos Chapter, Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard, shared his infectious enthusiasm in his inaugural speech, eloquently expressing his deep sense of pride and connection with his people.

Ijaw National Congress Worldwide

"I am thrilled to be in your presence once again today. I am deeply honoured and filled with great elation, and humbled by the confidence you have placed in me as the leader of this esteemed congress. It is a privilege to share this colourful occasion with all of you, the distinguished sons and daughters of Ijaw Nation. Your support means a lot, and I am excited about the journey ahead as we work together to achieve great things." He stated.


Comrade Harry asserted that the new executive, under his leadership, would actively pursue the acquisition of a suitable secretariat for the organization. He also pledged that the Lagos chapter would focus on empowering its members.

High Chief Philip Brown Agu With The New EXCO

"Securing a suitable location is our top priority, as it is crucial for us to have a strong base. The Lagos chapter of INC is absolutely essential. Our outgoing chairman and our national leader have made it clear that the INC Lagos State chapter is a vital part of the broader INC national or international framework."


"I am fully prepared to serve the Ijaw nation for the next three years, along with my dedicated wife and children. I urge every Ijaw son and daughter to be equally prepared for this service."


Comrade Harry extended heartfelt appreciation to the former chairman and his executive for their unwavering and dedicated leadership, which has led to remarkable advancements in our shared goals. Their achievements speak for themselves. He eagerly pledged to bring his own brand of dynamic leadership to his new role, as he and his team are poised to set a compelling example for others to follow.

(l-r) Comrade Tonye Harry, INC Treasurer, High Chief Philip Brown Agu & Pst Ebitimi Dio-Posibi

"I commend my predecessor and his team for the significant successes achieved during their tenure, providing us with a robust foundation to build."


Harry urged fellow congress members to join forces and support the group in achieving its objectives with a united front, emphasizing that their collective unity is their greatest strength. He called on all aggrieved members to reconcile, stating that unity would propel the INC Lagos Chapter to remarkable success.


“Let's embrace forgiveness for our liberation. Our unity is our strength. Embracing our differences and harnessing our collective energy is crucial for progress. Releasing past grievances and divisive rhetoric is essential for our collective ambition.”

High Chief Philip Brown Agu, National Treasurer, INC Worldwide

The swearing-in ceremony was conducted by Barrister Patrick G. Egbeotu and witnessed by High Chief Philip Brown Agu, National Treasurer, INC Worldwide, who represented the INC President, Prof. Benjamin Ogele Okaba. He commended the outgoing executives led by Pastor Ebitimi Dio-Posibi for their patience and understanding and urged the new executives to approach their responsibilities with utmost seriousness as ambassadors of the Ijaw Nation.

Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard

“Anyone familiar with the history of the INC will agree to the fact that the Lagos chapter is a very notable and important chapter of the INC. The executive members should note very well that they’ve come to serve the Ijaw Nation in this all-important state in Nigeria, which is Lagos State."


The INC treasurer emphasized to the Lagos executives that INC worldwide must no longer be treated as a mere portfolio INC, but as a determined and professional entity. He stressed the importance of financial responsibility, accountability, and certified documentation, given the serious task at hand due to the current unusual situation of the Nigerian economy. He highlighted the unfortunate reality that many families can no longer afford three square meals, and emphasized that it is expected for the Ijaws to be the richest in the Nigerian context, with others coming to borrow from them.

Elder Regent Youmou

"The Prof. Benjamin Ogele Okaba-led INC is focused on professionalism and functionality, even in the president's absence. Proper documentation and financial responsibility are crucial to avoid issues. Nigeria is facing economic challenges, and the average citizen struggles to afford even a single meal. We, as Ijaw people, should not suffer alongside Nigeria, considering our unique position as oil producers."


The former chairman, Pastor Ebitimi Dio-Posibi, thanked the congress and former executives, and felt honored to have facilitated the birth of new executive members. He commended the members for taking a stand on the zoning process, advised the new chairman to promote unity, and highlighted financial constraints in the Lagos chapter.

Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard Displaying His Certificate of Return

"I want to emphasize that in this election, there are no winners or losers. The new chairman must be inclusive and work with the whole team. Managing everyone effectively will make a difference. Team spirit is crucial. We urge the national to consider giving concessions to the Lagos Chapter due to our financial constraints. INC Worldwide cannot be INC without the Lagos Chapter." He affirmed.


In his address, Elder Regent Youmor, a respected Ijaw comrade, kindly reminded the new executive that they are servants, not leaders, to the Ijaw people in Lagos. He highlighted the need for reconciliation, recognizing the path that led them to this point, and suggested a proactive membership drive to enhance the association's visibility.

(l-r) Barr. Patrick G. Agbeotu, Ebi Benson & Pst Ebitimi Dio-Posibi

"The new INC executives are servants to the Ijaw people of Lagos, not leaders, and I am delighted to hear you say you and your family are well prepared for this journey, as are we. We all know how we got here: quarrels, leg-cuttings, acrimonies, backbiting, and outright fighting. Some of us who are not INC officers underwent baptisms of fire, and we responded appropriately as leaders. A leader is a leader for everyone, good or bad. Everybody should be prepared to serve. Aggressive membership drive from various communities should also be embarked on with all seriousness.” Comrade Youmor stated.


The newly sworn-in INC Lagos Chapter executives are: Comrade Tonye Leonard Harry, Chairman (Eastern Zone); Matawa Yinkere Harry, Vice Chairman (Western Zone); Elayelagha Golden Ambakederemo, Secretary (Central Zone); Sogules Ere Howell, Assistant Secretary (Eastern Zone); Abraham Gillet Okponimibofa, Financial Secretary (Central Zone); Arepade Odimowei Corson, Treasurer (Western Zone); and Henry Elijah Gabriel, Publicity Secretary (Eastern Zone).

Swearing In Of The Chairman & His Executives

The INC constitution names former chairman Pastor Ebitimi Dio-Posibi as the ex-officio member. Other elected officers are Bodiesere Sarah Jacob, the organising secretary (central zone), Mary Ebinimie Ayakpo, the auditor (central zone), and Paul Tam Kurekure (ESQ), the legal adviser (western zone).


Eleco Chairman, Erepatei Mawari (Esq)

(l-r) Barr. Patrick G. Agbeotu, Ebi Benson & Pst Ebitimi Dio-Posibi

Abraham Gillet Okponimibofa, Financial Secretary
Comrade Elayelagha Golden Ambakederemo, Secretary
Elder Regent Youmor & Guests
(l-r) Golden Ambakederem, Barr Egbeotu, Comrade Tonye, Mary Ayakpo & Okponimibofa
Mary Ineye & Friends

(l-r) Elder Regent Youmor, INC Treasurer, High Chief Philip Brown Agu & Pst Ebitimi Dio-Posibi

Comrade Matawa Yinkere Harry, Vice Chairman
Comrade Toikumo & Comrade Sunday

Saturday 21 September 2024

INC Lagos Elects Tonye Harry As Chairman

By Perekeme Odon 

The Ijaw National Congress, INC, has decisively elected Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard as its new chairman in a fiercely contested election, where he secured victory over Rev. Canon Asoliye Douglas West.

Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard
The election, held on Saturday, 21st September 2024, at the Red Brick, NCAC, National Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos State, marked the successful election of the new chairman of the apex Ijaw body and eight other officials in a tranquil atmosphere.

Comrade Tonye, the Deputy President of the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) and a former treasurer of the INC Lagos Chapter, and the new Executive Committee would be entrusted with directing the affairs of the council in Lagos State for the next three years.


The electoral committee's adoption of option A4 resulted in a compelling victory for the Rivers-born Kalabari-Ijaw leader, who secured 18 votes, surpassing his rival, Comrade Douglas West, who received 14 votes. This marks an exciting new chapter for the INC Lagos State under Comrade Tonye's capable leadership.

In his earlier address, Pastor Ebitimi Dio-Posibi, the outgoing chairman of the INC Lagos Chapter, implored the contestants to comport themselves in a manner befitting both their personal reputation and that of the Ijaw Nation. He affirmed that the upcoming election would be characterised by peace, transparency, freedom, and fairness.

ELECO Committee Members

The chairman, electoral committee, Erepatei Mawari (Esq), and Secretary Peremodboere Blessing Udisi accredited 30 nominated delegates from the East, West, and Central zones of the INC. Six positions were elected unopposed, while the positions of chairman, vice chairman, financial secretary, and organising secretary were contested.

The newly elected executives of INC Lagos Chapter are Tonye Leonard Harry: Chairman (Eastern Zone); Matawa Yinkere Harry: Vice Chairman (Western Zone); Elayelagha Golden Ambakederemo: Secretary (Central Zone); Sogules Ere Howell: Assistant Secretary (Eastern Zone); Abraham Gillet Okponimibofa: Financial Secretary (Central Zone); Arepade Odimowei Corson: Treasurer (Western Zone); and Henry Elijah Gabriel: Publicity Secretary (Eastern Zone).

Outgoing INC Chairman, Pst Ebitimi Dio-Posibi (M)

Other elected officers are Bodiesere Sarah Jacob, organising secretary (central zone), Mary Ebinimie Ayakpo, auditor (central zone), and Paul Tam Kurekure (ESQ)—legal adviser (western zone), while former chairman Pastor Ebitimi Dio-Posibi was named the ex-officio member according to the INC constitution.

Delegates and observers hailed the election as a historic success for the INC Lagos chapter, noting its peaceful, free, and fair nature.

Alaere Barr Churchere Komonibo

In his inaugural address, Comrade Tonye Harry Leonard pledged to be a collaborative leader, committed to working closely with the parent body through regular meetings aimed at reconciling members with differing perspectives on the council.

He unequivocally assured Ijaw elders with an assurance of transparency and all-inclusiveness that will characterise his administration. He emphasised that his administration would address previous irregularities and urged all dissatisfied parties to collaborate in advancing the chapter forward.

High Chief F.J. Williams (INC Vice President 3)

Present at the election from the three zones of Ijaw Nation included Chief Kroma Amafina JP, Elder Alaye D. Peters, Chief Cyrus Olopele, Elder Regent Youmour, High Chief F.J. Williams (INC Vice President 3), Chief Joshua Benamiesegha (former INC Acting President Worldwide), Chief Barr Donald A.K. Horsfall (Independent Observer), and Alaere Barr Churchere Komonibo (former INC chairperson, Lagos Chapter, and INC Lagos Chapter Returning Officer).

Elder Regent Youmor
Eastern Zone in an Emergency Meeting

A Cross Section of Delegates and Observers

Tonye Harry Sworn In As INC Lagos Chapter Chairman

By Perekeme Odon The Lagos State Chapter of the Ijaw National Congress (INC), the foremost apolitical umbrella body of the Ijaw ethnic natio...